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Did You Know Rodents

Cause Billions of Dollars

In Damages?
Here's How to Protect Your Home.

Selling Fast  Unleash The Power of Essential Oils That Repel Disgusting Rodents, Can Save You Money, and Keep Risky Traps Away From Your Family!
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Designed to repel rodents from the moment they are placed, making your home safe* from pests.

Before Spending Thousands in

Damages From Rodents…

Hello there! Here at BugMD we have years of hands-on experience in the rodent control industry. We’ve faced every kind of household pest challenge imaginable.
We’ve all been where you are, understanding the frustration that unexpected rodents can cause. And we also know how heartbreaking and stressful it can be replacing damaged belongings.
If you look at the graph, you can see that the average cost in rodent damages has continued to be on the rise all the way back in the 1980’s. Now it’s been revealed that invasive rodent damages have cost a total of $3,600,000,000 in damages, or $38,700,000 yearly.6
You may be confused as to how this matters to you since you only have one or two mice in your home. Well that’s how it always starts…
Don’t make the mistake of getting comfortable with the low amount of rodents you see in your home, or you could end up being another statistic on that graph and suffer expensive replacement costs to your favorite furniture, paintings, appliances, or electronics.
We here at BugMD want to ensure that you have the best possible protection from developing rodents without having to pay an arm and a leg to protect your home. Are you ready to protect your home?

“Your Home Isn’t The Only Thing

At Risk From Destructive Rodents…”

You may think your furniture and appliances are the main things at risk from ferocious rodents gnawing away at. But the wiring within your walls is actually much more likely to get chewed up before your other belongings.
It can be hard to notice these damages since you normally don’t find out until the tv shuts off without warning or the lights in your room go out without you flipping the switch.
Even worse, while you rest, your vehicles are left exposed for rodents to crawl in and explore. This can cause serious damages to your car’s performance and may even put you at risk while driving.
What the rodent finds as a tasty snack and a place to sleep can end up costing you big. Replacing damaged engine wires in a car can cost you up to over $2,000! No one has the kind of money to pay for these costs out of nowhere.7
Imagine finding yourself running late to work because you couldn’t sleep from your rodent problem. Then when you try to pull out of your drive way your car won’t start. Don’t let yourself be caught unprepared.

“The Moment I Discovered Exterminators

Can Cost Up to $500…

I Knew I Needed Another Solution”

For those struggling with rodents, you may know the embarrassment that comes with them. Having guests over is always a blast, but your fun can quickly turn to fear if people see rodents in your home.
When you finally decide to call an exterminator, you realize that there’s no way they can afford to pay for the professional services on top of all your other expensive bills.
Have you ever been in this situation? Where the constant battle against persistent pests nearly drives you to despair. Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you just wanted to scream?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

“The Expensive Costs Of Dealing With

Rodents In Your Home…$$$”

Rodents like rats and mice can end up costing you thousands. Not all of it is from professional exterminators or buying dozens of traps. Let’s take a look at some of the most costly burdens that rodents can plague you with.

1. Vehicle Troubles Can End Up Costing You Thousands. All From A Curious Rodent Looking For A Snack…

As previously touched on, damaged wires in your car caused by rodents can end up costing you thousands.7 This risk is just as likely for vehicles like boats and motorhomes.
Although we all wish we could have a boat, those who do own them know just how much upkeep and maintenance they can require. If a rodent were to find its way into your boat and chew at the wiring, the costs to fix it can more than triple the costs of fixing a car’s wires. Up to $25,000 to fix!8
Do you really want to suffer the costs of expensive rewiring procedures on your vehicles? Or do you want a way to get rodents out of your home that requires very little on your end?

2. Damage to Belongings Are One Thing, Damage to Health is Even More Expensive.

You have no sightings of rodents in your home but then all of a sudden you start feeling feverish, how is that even possible?
What if I were to tell you that rodents don’t even need to touch you to transfer illnesses. People can end up picking up this disease from breathing in air that was contaminated with saliva, urine, or droppings of mice and other rodents.9 Just imagine the hospital bills this can bring you.
Few Americans realize just how dangerous rodents are until it’s too late. (However if you ARE one of the people who are struggling with rodents there IS a way to get rid of them… Keep Reading!)

3. The Unexpected Costs Of Dealing With Rodents Could End Up Hurting You Most In The Long Haul.

Damage to structures, wires, and furniture are all things that people expect when dealing with rodents. Something almost no one thinks of having to suffer through is the odor.
Think about all the rodents that can easily get trapped in your walls, under appliances, and in your pantry that end up dying without anyone knowing. Now think about the day you stumble upon a partly decayed corpse that fills your home with disgusting smells.
The last thing anyone wants is to come into their home after a long day and be forced to clean up dead rodents and try to find a way to mask the smell.

“The Magic of Essential Oils And Repelling Rodents…

When you take a step back and tap into the latest breakthroughs in naturally active pesticides rather than buying the sprays that are filled with ingredients you can’t pronounce, you can help transform your home into a place where bugs just can't thrive anymore.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that is only found by gurus. This is backed not only by research proving its potency, but also has been used by farmers for years to protect crops.

Fortunately, pest control scientists have developed next-generation essential oil formulas that don’t just temporarily deter pests. These solutions actually disrupt unwanted guests at a core physiological level.

When you stop yourself from continuing to buy single use, sticky, unsightly rodent solutions, and start looking at the recent scientific breakthroughs of rodent repellents, it can help transform your home into a place where rodents just can't thrive anymore.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that is only found by gurus. This is backed not only by research proving its potency, but by thousands of satisfied users all across America.

Fortunately, rodent control scientists have developed revolutionary essential oil formulas that repel rodents throughout your home. All in one easy to deploy solution.

This naturally active repellant is a combination of essential oils. These are some of Mother Nature’s most reliable rodent repellents.

Instead of ingredients you can't pronounce, stinking up your home and leaving corpses everywhere, try something that uses naturally active ingredients.. And plant-based solutions get you the results you want without exposing you to harsh chemicals.

  Protect Your Home   There's been a number of huge breakthroughs in repelling unwanted rodents from your home that will help end your pest problem at home and won’t leave you with an empty wallet...

"Revolutionizing Pest Control Through Advanced Natural Science..."

Mice find this essential oil-based approach overwhelming and confusing, and disguises the natural pheromones they give off. It’s a breakthrough in pest control research.

Research studies like the ones conducted by Danuta Kalema1 have shown the chemical compound of certain essential oils not only work to repel pests, such as rodents and insects, but have been adopted more and more in agriculture.

The best part is this breakthrough can help get rid of your rodent problems without the need of harsh chemicals. You will be able to protect your home both inside and out from any potential rodents looking for a warm place to hide.

However, of all the essential oils, there are three that stand out as being a powerful combination that sends mice running in the opposite direction.

You'll soon be calling this your new secret weapon...

These three essential oils work to effectively drive rodents out of your home. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals or expensive professionals to get the job done. Finally, there is a way to protect your home from destructive rodents without putting your loved ones at risk of breathing in harsh chemicals or breaking the bank to get the job done.

These two essential oils work to effectively eliminate any pests you may find in your home. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals to get the job done. Finally, there is a way to protect your home from bugs without putting your loved ones at risk of breathing in harsh chemicals or breaking the bank to get the job done.

"What if You Can Have a Rodent-Free Home

Without Spending a Fortune

or Using Risky Traps?"

  • What if you could enjoy the benefits of a home protected from rodents without all the hang ups and inconvenience of traditional methods?
  • What if this solution not only made your home more comfortable but also seamlessly fit into your daily life, leaving a pleasant smell?
  • And what if you could stop rodents from chewing wires, ripping through furniture and ruining your belongings? Think of the money you could save. Wouldn’t that change the way you view pest control?

Introducing VAMOOSE! Rodent-Repelling PouchesTM

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Rodent Problems.

Introducing VAMOOSE! Rodent-Repelling PouchesTM

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Rodent Problem

Scientifically formulated, Vamoose is made with essential cornmint, citronella, and linseed oils that safely* yet powerfully repel rodents in your home all with the play of a bag.

Vamoose can effectively banish common rodents within minutes of first use, skipping the waiting game of other common rodent solutions. This shortcut also frees up more time on your end to enjoy your newly rodent-cleared out home.

When you claim your bag of Vamoose today, you’re getting an unfair advantage against household nuisances − making sure those unwanted guests get the message quickly.

It’s not only the ultimate pest control “cheat code” but also helps prevent you needing to call exterminators to save your home.

Most conventional pest control methods rely on chemicals that work to kill pests or flimsy/sticky traps that need perfect placement to actually catch the rodents. Unfortunately, those traps usually aren’t left in living rooms or common areas in your home. Those that do, usually leave behind an awful smell that can leave you gagging.

Unlike regular rodent solutions, Vamoose is made with plant-powered, naturally active ingredients that are able to be placed anywhere in your home without being an eyesore or leaving any residues.

The Secret Ingredients That Are

Redefining The Pest Control Industry…

You see, it's very difficult to create a highly effective and affordable rodent repellent, and do it in a way that’s based on powerful essential oils.

A lot of other pest control methods rely on harsh chemicals, but here at BugMD we found the three essential oils that will knock out most rodent problems with just one pouch: Cornmint oil, Citronella oil, and Linseed oil. Together they make an incredible team.

This combination works to create a smell that is faint and pleasant to us humans, but to any unsuspecting rodent it smells like a nightmare. As mentioned, the mix of oils confuses mice and leaves them disoriented and left with no choice but to run in the opposite direction to get away. Place these around your home and you will create a powerful scent barrier against rodents.

These leave you with a home that isn’t suffering from rodent problems, all because of one simple gray/brown pouch, combined with essential oils, all mixed together to provide you with wide coverage for your home and making any rodents that head your way.

And once you place the pouch - you are good for up to 30 days of rodent protection until you just replace it with a new pouch.

You’ll love the powerful, plant-powered ingredients.

  • When you start using Vamoose the change in your home’s current rodent situation will be so significant, it’s bound to get noticed. No longer will you have to live with the embarrassment of people coming over and finding hearing scurrying or seeing any mice in your home. Finally take control back in your house.

    And keep in mind, Vamoose’s deal is exclusive only to this page. This deal is not available on Amazon. Its specialized blend sets it apart, offering a distinctive, effective approach to managing household pests. So don’t miss out on your chance to save money when grabbing Vamoose.

“Why Vamoose is So

Effective At Repelling Rodents…”

People keep asking me, how do I keep rodents out of my home, there’s no traps anywhere so I had to have called an exterminator, right?

The answer is, no need. I used a simple pouch. But, one that isn’t filled with harsh chemicals so there is no smell left behind. With its naturally-active ingredients, you can provide protection from rodents in your home, without needing to see disgusting traps or decaying bodies of caught mice.

Your home should be your sanctuary, and rodents make that impossible. Our solution works to target these intruders, ensuring your home remains protected and pest-free. Your kitchen, your living room, your bathroom, and every other room in your house is protected.

When you place Vamoose in your home the scent enters the rodent’s head and triggers a response in their brain to feel endangered and to leave…

It's like the fight or flight response in the rodent’s head kicks in. What they think is danger is just a well scented pouch.

According to study published in Thailand in 2010, rodents spent much less time in areas that were doused with areas scented with mint.2

The problem with relying on just mint is you will constantly need to reapply scents almost daily just to ensure your home is protected from pests.

You need to have a constant source of these essential oils to make sure pests stay away. Something that is quite literally out of sight and out of mind. Cornmint mixed with citronella and linseed oils create a potent smell to a sensitive rodent’s nose that sends them packing.

A study conducted by Irmanida Batubara found that when rodents breathed in citronella oil over a five-week period, they lost appetite.4 This essential oil will sedate the curiosity found in rodents minds and leave them less likely to explore further than where they smelled the citronella oil.

With combined repulsion of cornmint, the curiosity sedation of citronella, and the binding agent of linseed oil; what is left is a powerful rodent repellent that leaves vermin crawling for the door and out of your home.

These might be the most powerful essential oils to use against rodents!

“Here's What Happens When You Unleash The Power of Essential Oils...”

Placing Vamoose pouches around your house takes all the prep work of catching rodents out of the equation. Instead of taking hours placing traps or securing sticky mats, you just place Vamoose wherever and that’s it. The essential oils almost immediately start going to work. You'll be amazed at how quickly they take effect.

The reason essential oils work so well is they trick rodents’ brains into confusing them into panic. And Vamoose works in any area in your home that you notice pests.

Cornmint, Linseed, and Citronella work to scare rodents away.

Instant Rodent Repelling, 
Without the Insane Costs

All too often people notice their rodent problems far too late and are forced to call an exterminator to save them. But it isn’t that straightforward and people are constantly told that they would need to wait hours, days, or even weeks to see a professional. Vamoose starts working instantly, without waiting weeks for results. Before you know it, you could have no pests hiding in your home.

And don’t even get me started on the costs of professional pest control. Rodent exterminators can range from costing $200 to well over $600 dollars with some cases passing over $1000 to treat.3 The problem is that this is a cost that most Americans cannot consistently and comfortably pay for out of pocket.

Instead of suffering from the expensive costs that exterminators can charge you, get rid of your rodent problem before it gets to that point with Vamoose. From the moment you spot a rodent in your home, you can take care of it before finding yourself at the wrong end of an expensive bill.

Repel Rodents in One Pouch Without

Steep Prices Or Harsh Chemicals

No More Waiting Around for Professional Help

One of the worst aspects of calling for pest control is that you are on their schedule. You could be waiting hours, days, or even weeks before you get the help you need. With Vamoose, you can stop rodents the moment you spot them.

Get Rid of Rodents Without The Mess

Instead of buying dozens of different traps that focus on killing these pests in different and cruel ways which can be a mess to clean up, use a simple pouch that scares off pests for you. Think of how visually invasive traps can be, not to mention dangerous if you have small children or pets.

Easy to Use

Have you ever tried to put together the complex traps that people sell at stores that come with 1000 different steps just to barely work and be an eyesore? Now you can simply place pouches wherever in your house and walk away. With plant-powered ingredients, Vamoose can be placed wherever in the house and is safe for everyone inside when used as directed.

Protect Your Home and Your Wallet

Instead of hundreds of dollars being spent on each visit by an exterminator, have one solution in your home that costs a fraction of the professionals’ prices. Protecting your home and your money is always important, especially in today’s economy where prices never seem to stop rising.

That means while having these powerful rodent repellents around your home, you will be scaring off pests while keeping your loved ones away from harsh chemicals.

Protect Your Family, Prevent Embarrassment and Finally Relax in Your Home....

Help Reduce Harmful Exposure - The essential oil blend of cornmint, citronella, and linseed oil will help reduce exposure to harsh chemicals found in some traps and rat poisons. You will be able to place Vamoose anywhere in your home. Keeping you protected while making rodents miserable.

Protect Your Loved Ones - Although it's common knowledge, to tell you rodents can carry serious health risks on them would be an understatement. Rodents are known to carry diseases such as hantavirus, leptospirosis, and Salmonella.5 Now you have a solution for your rodent problems that can keep harmful diseases out of your home.

Flush Out Developing Nests - Essential Pest Control destroys pest eggs and larvae before mature bugs can hatch and establish more nests inside your home, effectively cutting off their life cycle and stopping invasions before they even happen.

For Only A Limited Time:
Save Big On Your Order Of Vamoose

And for a limited time, save big on your order from BugMD when you purchase your bundles of Vamoose.

  • Place the pouches anywhere in your home. Instead of cluttering your home with dangerous and ugly mouse traps, now you can have a pouch that you can place wherever.
  • Keep them just in case. Whether you are in the colder months and deal with dozens of pests in your home or Summer is just about to end, be prepared for any rodents hiding in your home.
  • This solution also works in vehicles, so if you have a car you are working on fixing in the garage or you have a motor home just waiting to use while camping you can keep rodents out.
  • Say goodbye to unsightly traps. No more seeing dead rodent bodies in you home stuck in glue traps or tripping over traps hidden in places you forgot.
  • You’ll love the powerful plant-based naturally active ingredients that will keep your home feeling alive and protected from rodents no matter what time of the year.

This discount is ONLY found on this site, so if you are wanting to go anywhere else to get this amazing deal on Vamoose you won’t find it.

Get yourself a bag of Vamoose and stay prepared for whatever hidden rodents try to get into your home and ruin your peace of mind.

Vamoose is the ultimate rodent “cheat code” that can transport your home into a state of stress-free living — almost instantly...

Even if you aren’t struggling with a rodent problem -- but you start to notice a few droppings around your kitchen or living room — Vamoose will help keep your loved ones protected from pests.

"Try Vamoose, Experience A Plant-Powered Solution And LOVE How Your Home Feels
Or Simply Return It..."

And your purchase today comes with a satisfaction guarantee. That means for whatever reason within the next 30 days you can return your order of Vamoose for a refund. I want to make your decision to try out Vamoose in your own hands to be as easy as possible.

Just find the areas you notice rodent activity, place a pouch, and walk away. Feel confident in your home with a solution that is prepared to tackle whatever rodents you come across. Place near furniture, plants, or anywhere else you notice bugs in your home. Or have it on standby, ready for whenever rodents try to invade your home.

You're going to love the way you feel with your rodent worries being a thing of the past. If you're not satisfied, simply contact our Customer Support Team within 30 day of purchase. One of our dedicated agents will handle your return. Just pay a small processing fee and return shipping for returns/exchanges.


“Mice beware!”

Since I started using Vamoose I haven't seen a mouse. I purchased the glue traps, powder, and I continued to see a mouse running around the house but with Vamoose I haven't seen a mouse recently. The scent isn't over powering and I  place them in every nook and cranny where I've seen mice. They're convenient and not at all messy.

Avril S. - Brooklyn, US
“Finally getting mice out of my home”

It seems to have definitely discouraged the mice from hanging around. Coupled with other preventive measures, these seem to be helping a lot. Thank you!

Dennis N. - Haverhill, US
“I've been struggling for months”

I dropped two pouches in two different ducts, and left two more in select areas of the kitchen approximately a month ago and since that day, there is no evidence that they have been back.  I am pretty sure that my problem has been solved.

Dan S. - Windsor, US
Vamoose works like a charm and I love it.”

What I don't understand is that for close to a year I have asked to stop the auto send as the mice left months ago. I must have a dozen unneeded packets of it and the pile keeps growing as my request to stop the auto refill has been ignored. The stuff works like a miracle but they will not respond to my request to STOP auto send.

Lynn S. - US
“I tried everything, then Vamoose saved my home!”

For months I tried numerous remedies to get rid of mice. I'd catch them in traps (ugh!). I thought that I'd found (and secured) every method where they could be entering the apartment. They still returned....Until I tried VAMOOSE! It's been 2 weeks and I have not seen any mice or droppings! I had 4 packets, I've only used 2, and they've provided coverage though out my entire apartment. I am so happy with this product.

Arnette R. -Alexandria, US

Keep Every Space In Your House
Protected From Embarrassing Rodentsc

Frequently Asked Questions


How Does Vamoose Work?
How and where do I set up Vamoose?
Are they safe to use around children and pests?
What If I Am Not Happy With It? What Is Your Return Policy?
How Long Does It Take For Vamoose To Arrive?

Works Cited


Agrobiological Interactions of Essential Oils of Two Menthol Mints...


What Smell Drives Rats Away?


How Much Does a Mice Exterminator Cost?


Effects of inhaled citronella oil and related compounds on rat body...


Diseases from rodents, pocket pets and rabbits


Economic costs of invasive rodents worldwide: the tip of the iceberg


8 Common Electrical Problems in Cars and Repair Costs


Boat Rewire Cost - Updated 2024


Reported Cases of Hantavirus Disease

Works Cited