Squito Stickers Exclusive Online Discount & Free Shipping

This Simple Solution Keeps Irritating Mosquitoes Away Without Sticky Sprays or DEET

 Top Choice  Learn How Americans Across the Country Are Protecting Against Mosquitoes with This Essential Oil Formula
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Designed to repel mosquitoes effortlessly, protecting your family without resorting to harsh chemicals

Avoid Compromising the Safety of Your Family With a

With a Growing Mosquito Population

Over the past five decades, mosquito populations have been steadily increasing, making it more difficult for people to enjoy the outdoors without being constantly bitten.
With record-breaking rain in some parts of the country, this means more standing water where mosquitoes are able to thrive. This has led to an expansion of their breeding grounds and an increase in the frequency of mosquito-borne disease outbreaks.
As mosquito numbers continue to rise, it becomes increasingly important to find effective means to protect you and your loved ones from these dangerous parasites.
As families seek ways to protect themselves from mosquitoes, many turn to traditional repellents containing harmful chemicals like DEET. While these products may offer some protection, they come with their own set of risks and drawbacks.
DEET is one of the most common active ingredients in mosquito repellents. It is highly effective at repelling mosquitoes. However it can also lead to health concerns like skin irritation, rashes, nausea, and more.
But what if there was a plant-powered answer to repel mosquitoes? An affordable, easy-to-use change that offers relief without having to compromise on the health of your family.

How Seeing Families Suffer from Relentless

Mosquitoes Led To An Incredible Discovery…

We've heard heartbreaking stories from American families who've spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on mosquito control solutions like expensive bug zappers or every kind of mosquito repellent you can find in stores.
They've tried everything to protect their families. But only to find themselves back where they started - still finding these dangerous insects (and their bites) everywhere.
They've tried everything to protect their families. But only to find themselves back where they started - still finding these dangerous insects (and their bites) everywhere.
Mosquitoes can be found outdoors in shady, damp places like shrubs, tall grass, and near standing water. And mosquitoes are a year-round concern, often forcing people to spend hundreds each year.
This is especially true for families who enjoy spending time outdoors, whether that means camping or just enjoying summers filled with barbecues and pool parties.
Imagine using a mosquito control solution like bug spray that is supposed to help your family feel better, then still finding new mosquito bites on your loved ones, over and over again. The frustration isn't the only toll...

Mosquitoes Are The

World’s Deadliest Animal

Beyond just having a rapidly growing population, mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on the planet, accounting for more human deaths per year than any other animal, just because of the diseases they can spread.
Mosquito-borne diseases cause over 1,000,000 deaths each year.2 Malaria alone kills over 600,000 people annually.3 Dengue fever infects nearly 400,000,000 people worldwide each year.4
As mosquito populations grow, so does the risk of contracting diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. The inability to protect your family from these risks can leave you feeling defeated.
Between the deadly diseases they carry and their rapidly increasing populations, mosquitoes are quickly becoming a concern for millions. But when you take a look at most of your options, you might notice some glaring downsides.

“Traditional Mosquito Control Solutions Work,

But They Come With Drawbacks…$$$”

Based on thousands of Americans, relying solely on conventional mosquito control methods often leaves people frustrated, overwhelmed, and still battling these flying bloodsuckers. It's hard to find a mosquito repellent or control method that doesn't have serious downsides.

1. Professional Mosquito Services Are Costly. The average expense of professional mosquito control can reach up to $500 per treatment.

Resorting to professional exterminators can be a hefty financial burden, often needing multiple sessions to effectively get rid of mosquitoes near your home. Also, this won’t protect you when you’re on the go. But from the initial visit costing between $100-$300, the prices can skyrocket for comprehensive treatments. 
But how do you win against mosquitoes without breaking the bank? Finding a mosquito solution that’s affordable, efficient, and preventative is key to avoiding costly exterminator services…

2. DIY Traps Can Attract More Mosquitoes.

Crafting homemade mosquito traps and remedies not only demands constant attention and upkeep, but they often involve attracting more mosquitoes to you.
Also, a lot of homemade traps might be successful in catching a few mosquitoes, but they aren’t effective in killing them and reducing the overall population of mosquitoes.
The reality is, few have the time or energy to manage DIY mosquito solutions effectively. (But if you're struggling with mosquitoes, there IS a way to repel them… Keep Reading!)

3. Common Repellents Can Contain Harsh Chemicals. This often results in unpleasant smells and frequent reapplication.

Store-bought mosquito repellents promise quick results but at the cost of exposing you and your loved ones to harsh chemicals like DEET that can irritate, cause headaches, or even respiratory issues once you breathe them in.
The lingering odors and potential health risks should not be the expected trade off for mosquito protection when you’re outdoors. Not to mention, these sprays and repellents can also pose health risks to your beloved pets.
It’s a vicious cycle of dousing yourself or your loved ones, smelling the strong chemicals, feeling gross and sticky, and then still getting bit.

The Magic of Essential Oils in Warding Off Mosquitoes…

When you take a step back and tap into the latest breakthroughs in naturally active pesticides rather than buying the sprays that are filled with ingredients you can’t pronounce, you can help transform your home into a place where bugs just can't thrive anymore.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that is only found by gurus. This is backed not only by research proving its potency, but also has been used by farmers for years to protect crops.

Fortunately, pest control scientists have developed next-generation essential oil formulas that don’t just temporarily deter pests. These solutions actually disrupt unwanted guests at a core physiological level.

When you take a step back and tap into the latest breakthrough in naturally active repellents rather than buying the sprays that are filled with harsh chemicals, you can experience mosquito protection wherever you go.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that no one has heard of. It’s supported by research demonstrating the effectiveness of the ingredients and has been used for decades to protect people from mosquitoes.

Fortunately, pest control experts have developed next-generation essential oil formulas that repel mosquitoes for days at a time. This solution creates an environment where mosquitoes don’t know where the food source (you) actually is!

This naturally active mosquito repellent uses one of nature’s most reliable mosquito-fighting agents.

Instead of unpronounceable chemicals, advanced natural oils create an aura around you, driving mosquitoes away from you. And these plant-based solutions deliver the desired results without exposing you to harsh chemicals.

  Top Choice**   There’s been a number of huge breakthroughs in mosquito control that will help you feel protected outdoors and won’t ...

Transforming Mosquito Control with Cutting-edge Natural Science...

This essential oil-based approach alters mosquitoes' behavior. It’s a groundbreaking shift in mosquito control methods.

Studies, like those by renowned entomologists, demonstrate Citronella oil’s capacity to interfere with mosquitoes’ olfactory receptors, hindering their ability to locate humans, effectively reducing their presence and the risk of bites.

The beauty of this innovation is its ability to address your mosquito concerns without resorting to harsh chemicals. You gain the power to protect your indoor and outdoor spaces from potential mosquitoes wherever you go.

However, out of all essential oils, one stands out for its swift and effective mosquito-repelling properties.

You'll soon be calling this your new secret weapon…

This oil works wonders in deterring mosquitoes from you, all while avoiding harsh chemicals and sticky sprays. Finally, a method exists to shield you and your loved ones from mosquitoes without compromising health and safety but still getting the job done.

These two essential oils work to effectively eliminate any pests you may find in your home. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals to get the job done. Finally, there is a way to protect your home from bugs without putting your loved ones at risk of breathing in harsh chemicals or breaking the bank to get the job done.

“What If You Could Mosquito Protection

Was Simple, Free of Harsh Chemicals,

and Affordable?”

  • Imagine being shielded from mosquitoes wherever you go without the harsh chemicals associated with traditional methods?
  • Imagine this solution not only enhancing the comfort of the outdoors but was also more convenient than getting doused in bug spray?
  • And imagine if you could prevent mosquitoes from biting you, potentially spreading disease with each bite? Think of the health of your loved one. Wouldn’t that change how you handle mosquitoes?

Introducing Squito Stickers:

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Mosquito Problem.

Introducing Squito Stickers:

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Mosquito Problem.

Scientifically crafted by experts, BugMD’s Squito Stickers are infused with Citronella oil that safely* yet powerfully repels mosquitoes from you for up to 3 days at a time.

Squito Stickers provide immediate relief from mosquitoes as soon as you place them, without having to wait before you can go outside again. This efficiency not only saves you time but also allows you to spend more time outdoors with your loved ones.

When you get your box of Squito Stickers today, you're getting an unfair advantage against these bloodsucking pests – making sure they understand you and your family are off-limits.

It’s not only the ultimate mosquito repellent, but by keeping mosquitoes away, you can also protect yourself from the diseases they transmit.

A lot of mosquito sprays rely on harsh chemicals like DEET to repel mosquitoes. Unfortunately, DEET can cause rashes, skin irritation, nausea, dizziness, and more.8 Spraying these chemicals on your skin can often leave you gasping for air.

Unlike regular repellents, Squito Stickers utilize a plant-powered, naturally active ingredient that can be applied directly onto your clothes, gear, and skin, offering protection wherever you go.

“The Key Ingredient That’s Changing

the Game in Mosquito Control…”

You see, it's very difficult to create a highly effective and affordable mosquito repellent, and do it in a way that’s based on powerful essential oils.

A lot of other mosquito repellents rely on harsh chemicals, but here at BugMD we found that Citronella oil is able to repel mosquitoes with a 96.7% efficiency compared to regular repellents. This oil has been used for decades to repel mosquitoes, but Squito Stickers are unique.

Our stickers are made with nano-encapsulated Citronella oil. This means that after you place a sticker on your clothes, skin, or gear, you’re creating a forcefield that slowly releases Citronella around you, keeping mosquitoes away.. This technology can keep disgusting mosquitoes away from you for up to 72 hours.

You take this forcefield with you wherever you go, giving you lasting protection from mosquitoes, all thanks to a simple solution that combines the effectiveness of essential oils with innovative time-release technology.

And you can use Squito Stickers anywhere - at home on your patio furniture, on hikes on your backpack or clothes, even on your dog’s collar.

You’ll love the powerful, plant-powered ingredients.

  • When you start using Squito Stickers, you’ll immediately notice a difference in the amount of mosquitoes buzzing around. You’ll notice you’re no longer covered in itchy red bites after going outside. You can finally enjoy the outdoors again without constantly worrying about mosquitoes.

    And remember, this Squito Stickers offer is exclusive to this page. You won’t find this special deal anywhere else. Its unique nano-capsule technology sets it apart from other mosquito repellents, offering a distinctive, effective solution for your mosquito problem. Don’t miss your chance to protect against mosquitoes with BugMD.

“Why Mosquito Stickers are like a

Personal Forcefield for Mosquitoes…”

People keep asking us, how does BugMD keep mosquitoes away without any unpleasant odors.

The answer is simple. Squito Stickers don’t rely on harsh chemicals, so there’s no residual smell. With its naturally-active Citronella oil, you can experience protection from mosquitoes wherever you are, without needing to douse yourself in chemicals like DEET.

You deserve to be able to go camping or hang out in your backyard without constantly worrying about mosquitoes. You should be able to enjoy the outdoors with your friends and family not worrying about the dangerous diseases mosquitoes could be carrying every time they get bit.

When you apply a Squito Sticker, the Citronella oil creates a barrier that masks the scents that attract mosquitoes, making it harder for them to find their human targets…

By masking your scent, mosquitoes think there isn’t a food source there. This leads to mosquitoes flying away, looking for food elsewhere.

According to the President of Mozzle Dome Pest Control, the strong citrus scent of Citronella is said to repel mosquitoes as they are known to hate anything that smells acidic.9 

This is all very important because mosquitoes rely heavily on their sense of smell above all other senses.

By using a scent that mosquitoes find very strong and off-putting (but smells nice to people), they become disoriented and want to get as far away from that smell as possible, leaving you and your family alone.

In fact, Citronella also contains specific compounds like citronellal and geraniol that act as irritants to mosquitoes. This means the scent is so unpleasant for mosquitoes that they can’t stand to be anywhere in the vicinity of the citronella scent.

You may be familiar with Citronella candles. Maybe you’ve even used one. If so, you probably know that they’re pretty effective in keeping mosquitoes away from the candle, but you also know that as soon as you leave the vicinity of the candle, the mosquitoes attack.

With Squito Stickers, you carry that citronella scent WITH you, so you don’t have to worry.

These might just be the most efficient natural method to deter mosquitoes!

Experience the Immediate Impact of Naturally Based Mosquito Protection…

Applying Squito Stickers cuts down the hassle associated with traditional mosquito repellent. Instead of having to spray your whole body down with a sticky, smelly spray, you can just place a Squito Sticker and you’re good to go. The nano-capsules of Citronella take quick effect, keeping mosquitoes away for up to 72 hours.

The reason Squito Stickers are so effective is they slowly release the Citronella around you like a scent forcefield. When you’re wearing a Squito Sticker outdoors, you know that you’re protected.

Citronella Oil has been used for decades for mosquito repellent.

Effective Mosquito Repellent Without the Disgusting Chemicals

Too often, people notice a mosquito problem and turn to traditional repellents containing harsh chemicals like DEET. While chemicals like DEET are known to be highly effective against mosquitoes, they also come with a range of health risks and drawbacks that many people are unaware of.

DEET, one of the most common active ingredients in mosquito repellents, has been linked to several health concerns. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to DEET can cause skin irritation, rashes, and dizziness or difficulty concentrating.

Moreover, the effectiveness of DEET-based repellents is limited, as mosquitoes can develop resistance to the chemical over time. This means that people may need to apply these products more frequently or in higher concentrations, increasing their exposure to potentially harmful substances.

Repel Mosquitoes

For a Fraction of the Cost

No More Avoiding the Outdoors

One of the worst things about mosquitoes is how they make you feel like you can’t even go outside without being a magnet for these bloodsuckers. You could avoid going outside, especially during peak mosquito hours, but who wants to stay cooped up inside all summer long? With Squito Stickers, you can have the peace of mind knowing that you’re protected outdoors when you wear them.

One Solution for All Your Mosquito Concerns

Forget about stocking up on various repellents and gadgets for different types of mosquitoes. With Squito Stickers, you have one effective solution for all your mosquito troubles, saving both money and space. 

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

The thought of using DEET-filled repellents and then having to deal with the smell and the sticky feeling is enough to make most people never want to use a bug spray. Squito Stickers, with their plant-powered Citronella oil, can be placed on your shirt, backpack, skin, strollers, and more, ensuring safety and comfort for everyone when used as directed.

Save Hundreds on Mosquito Control Services

Instead of spending a fortune on exterminator visits, keep Squito Stickers handy for a fraction of the cost. Plus, Squito Stickers are portable, meaning not only will you not have to worry about mosquitoes when you wear them at home, but also whenever you go camping, have picnics, or go on a hike.

That means while wearing this powerful mosquito repellent whenever you’re outside, you’ll be able to enjoy the outdoors without resorting to harsh chemicals

Ensure Your Home is Free from Mosquitoes and Enjoy Peace of Mind…

Reduce Exposure to Harsh Chemicals - The natural Citronella oil in Squito Stickers minimizes your exposure to the harmful chemicals found in conventional repellents like DEET. You can stick them just about anywhere on your body, clothes, or gear, providing a safe haven from mosquitoes.

Combat Resistant Mosquito Populations - Mutations may cause mosquitoes to develop resistance to chemical repellents. This can leave people feeling frustrated, like their efforts aren’t doing enough. Research indicates that natural oils like Citronella are effective against resistant mosquito populations, offering a reliable solution to your mosquito challenges.

Prevent Mosquito Breeding - Squito Stickers deter mosquitoes before they can lay eggs and establish breeding grounds around your home, effectively keeping you protected from them.

"For A Limited Time Only: Save Big On Your Order Of BugMD Squito Stickers"

And for a limited time, save big on your order from BugMD when you stock up multiple boxes of our Squito Stickers.

  • Simply peel off a sticker, place wherever you want protection, and forget about it. Instead of juggling multiple cans of mosquito repellents, with Squito Stickers, you get a simple, single solution for all your mosquito troubles.
  • Don’t wait any longer to find effective mosquito control methods. Whether it's the calm before the storm of mosquito season or you're already in the midst of it, having Squito Stickers on hand can mean the difference between enjoying your time outdoors and being a feast for mosquitoes.
  • With mosquito populations going up and up, now is the time to order Squito Stickers. Stock up on Squito Stickers to be prepared all year round. Each sticker provides long-lasting protection, helping you and your family stay bite-free.
  • This innovative approach works both indoors and outdoors. Whether mosquitoes are buzzing around your home or interrupting your camping trip, Squito Stickers are here to help.
  • You'll love the power of Citronella Oil in each sticker, repelling mosquitoes while keeping harsh chemicals away from you and your family no matter the time of year.

This discount is ONLY found on this site, so if you try and find this deal on Squito Stickers anywhere else, you won't find it.

Get yourself with Squito Stickers and stay prepared for any mosquitoes that try to disrupt your peace of mind this summer.

Squito Stickers are your ultimate mosquito defense "hack," transforming the outdoors into serene, stress-free zones...

Even if mosquitoes aren't a problem for you yet, but you start to notice them lurking around, Squito Stickers are there to ensure your loved ones remain protected from mosquito bites.

"Try BugMD, Experience The Power Of Naturally Based Protection, And LOVE How You Feel... Or Simply Return It..."

Your purchase today is backed by our satisfaction guarantee. That means if, for any reason within the next 30 days, you decide Squito Stickers aren't for you, you can return them for a refund. We want to make your decision to try Squito Stickers as easy for you as possible.

Just peel a Squito Sticker, apply it wherever you want protection from mosquitoes, and enjoy the peace of mind knowing you're protected from mosquitoes. Place them on outdoor furniture, camping gear, or anywhere else mosquitoes are buzzing around. Or keep them on hand for the next time your family goes camping or you go for a hike.

You're going to love feeling protected, knowing mosquito worries are behind you. If you're not satisfied, simply contact our Customer Support Team within 30 days of purchase. Our friendly staff will assist with your return. You'll only cover a minimal processing fee and return shipping for returns/exchanges.


I don’t go on hikes without them

“These stickers have earned a permanent spot in my outdoor gear. No more bug bites ruining my adventures.” 

Nina G. – US
Perfect for my grandkids

“Your products have safeguarded not only my grandchildren and great-grandchildren but my entire family from pesky mosquitoes. A heartfelt thank you!” 

Emily C. – US
Perfect for camping

“I never go camping without these stickers now. They make evenings by the fire bug-free and enjoyable.”

David H. – US
I can’t believe these worked

“These stickers are a game-changer! I followed the recommendation, placing one on each sleeve, and noticed an immediate decrease in buzzing and discomfort. Highly recommended!” 

Carrie H. – US
My dog says thank you!!

“Purchased these for my dog's collar and noticed a significant reduction in mosquitoes around him. Works like a charm!” 

Nora K. – US

Keep The Whole Family Protected From Mosquitoes

Frequently Asked Questions


How Does Squito Sticker Work?
Where Can I Place Squito Stickers?
Are Squito Stickers Only For Outdoor Use?
What If I’m Not Happy With Them? What Is Your Return Policy?
How Long Does It Take For Squito Stickers To Arrive?

Works Cited


Why Mosquitoes are the Deadliest Animal in the World


Vector-borne Diseases




Dengue Data and Maps

Works Cited