Termination Station - Exclusive Online Discount & Free Shipping

Is Your Pet Suffering From Fleas? You Need to Try This Genius Device That Works Without Harsh Chemicals

 TOP CHOICE    Discover an Innovative, Pet-Friendly Solution That Can Help Eliminate Fleas Without Exposing Your Pet to Risky Flea Collars!
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Designed to lure fleas away from your pets and trap them, providing a safe* alternative to traditional flea control methods.

Fleas Are More Than Just a Nuisance… They Pose Serious

Health Risks For Your Pets

Flea invasions can quickly spiral out of control. These tiny parasites feed on your pet's blood, leading to constant itching, scratching, and even skin infections.
Also, fleas can transmit harmful diseases, such as tapeworms or cat scratch fever. Some severe flea invasions can cause anemia, especially in young or small pets.
As a pet owner, watching your pet suffer from the relentless itching and scratching caused by fleas is heartbreaking. You want to provide them with relief, but many traditional flea control methods come with their own set of concerns, leaving you feeling helpless.
One pet owner shared her story of trying routine baths, flea collars, oral medicine drops, daily cleaning. She realized she was allergic to flea bites, but felt helpless after trying 5 different things and still no results.
Spot-on treatments, flea collars, and oral medications often contain harsh chemicals that can potentially irritate your pet's skin or cause adverse reactions – something no caring pet owner wants to see their pet go through.
What you need is a safe*, effective, and convenient solution that works 24/7 to keep your home and pets free of fleas. A solution that gives you peace of mind, knowing your pet is protected without the use of harsh chemicals.

"There's Got to Be An Affordable Way to

Protect My Pets from Fleas..."

Once fleas and ticks get onto your pet and in your home, they can be challenging to eliminate. We've spoken with hundreds of pet owners who struggled to get rid of these nasty parasites:
First, they try flea collars, then they read the stories online about pets being harmed and instantly regret their decision. So they buy expensive drops and medications, spending way more money than they wanted to.
Desperate for a solution as the costs of living spike, some replace their pet's bedding, toys, and furniture, hoping to get rid of all the fleas, only to find them still crawling over their pet.
Others go to great lengths, like constantly vacuuming or using flea combs daily. But if just a few fleas or eggs survive, the cycle starts again. Some even consider rehoming their pets due to the stress and expense of fighting fleas and ticks.
Yet despite spending hundreds, many pet owners find that fleas keep coming back, as frustrating as ever. This would cause anyone to start looking for alternatives that won't break the bank or harm their beloved companions...

"The Moment I Realized I Couldn’t

Keep Up With Flea Drops...

I Knew I Needed Another Solution"

People know that just the costs of living are so high right now. Gas prices, grocery bills, healthcare, the list goes on and on. The last thing you want to add to that list is the ongoing cost and hassle of fighting fleas.
But many of the other alternative flea control "solutions" feel like a gimmick, contain harsh chemicals, or fail to eliminate fleas both on your pet and living in your home.
Have you ever felt this way? Like the only options to battle fleas are either costly, time-consuming, or potentially harmful to your pet? Have you wished for a flea control method that's affordable and safe* for your pet? Trust us, you're not alone.
But what if there was a way to eliminate fleas and ticks, without exposing your pet to harsh chemicals?

“Traditional Flea Control Methods

May Provide Relief,

But There Are Problems...”

Based on thousands of Americans, relying solely on traditional flea control methods often leaves pet owners disappointed, overwhelmed, and still watching their pets suffer with fleas. No matter the situation, it's hard to find a solution to dealing with fleas that doesn’t have a glaring downside.

1. Traditional Collars and Drops Are Full of Harsh Chemicals. This can lead to your pets getting poisoned.

Many flea collars and drops promise effective flea control. But they often use chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, skin irritations, and even more severe health problems in pets when ingested.
Flea bombs are also an extreme measure some pet owners are forced to use. These are sprays used for indoor flea invasion. Not to mention, these ingredients can be toxic to your kids and accidentally breathing in the fumes can lead to illness.
Ask any pet owner and they can tell you, vet visits can be very expensive. This is especially true with flea collar poisoning, where the average cost to treat is $1,200 and can cost as much as $5,000^…

2. Regular Bathing Demands Time and Patience.

It takes so much effort to bathe your pets on a regular basis to keep up with new fleas. Plus, it does little to battle the fleas living in your carpet or furniture.
Bathing also means frequently buying expensive flea shampoos and making sure they aren’t too harsh for your pet’s skin. It's another chore added to your never-ending to-do list.
Few pet owners have the time to do this routine effectively. (However if you ARE one of the millions of pet owners who are struggling with fleas there IS a way to eliminate them… Keep Reading!)

3. Oral Medications Can Be Stressful for Your Pet. Administering pills or chewables can be challenging.

Many pets resist taking oral flea control medications, leading to a frustrating and time-consuming experience for pet owners. Struggling to convince your pet to swallow a pill or chewable can be stressful for both of you.
Even when successfully administered, there's always a concern about potential side effects or adverse reactions to these medications. The thought of putting your pet through this stress on a regular basis can crush some pet owners.
It's a vicious cycle of administering pills, worrying about potential side effects, and still seeing fleas despite it all. You can't help but wish for a flea control method that was different.

"The Power of Light in Eliminating Fleas..."

When you take a step back and tap into the latest breakthroughs in naturally active pesticides rather than buying the sprays that are filled with ingredients you can’t pronounce, you can help transform your home into a place where bugs just can't thrive anymore.

However, this isn’t some kind of magic remedy that is only found by gurus. This is backed not only by research proving its potency, but also has been used by farmers for years to protect crops.

Fortunately, pest control scientists have developed next-generation essential oil formulas that don’t just temporarily deter pests. These solutions actually disrupt unwanted guests at a core physiological level.

When you step back and explore the latest advancements in flea control technology, you'll discover a groundbreaking solution that harnesses the power of lights to effectively attract and trap fleas, providing lasting relief for your pets without relying on harsh chemicals or time-consuming treatments.

This isn't some gimmick or unproven fad. It's a scientifically-backed approach that leverages the natural attraction of fleas to warmth, creating a highly effective and targeted method of pest control.

Fortunately, pest control experts have developed a genius device that utilizes cutting-edge technology to emit the perfect combination of heat and light, luring fleas away from your pets and into a trap from which they can't escape.

This uses a flea’s natural instinct against them. It’s an incredibly innovative approach to flea control that blends Mother Nature and technology.

Instead of constantly exposing your pet to potentially harmful chemicals, this advanced device offers a safe*, hands-off approach to flea control. It works in the background, allowing you to focus on enjoying quality time with your beloved pets.

  Breakthrough The discovery of fleas' attraction to heat has been a game-changer, keeping your pets protected, without breaking the bank or compromising their well-being...

"Revolutionizing Flea Control Through Advanced Heat Attraction..."

This light-based approach to flea control exploits their natural attraction to warmth to effectively lure them away from your pets and into a trap.

Extensive research studies like the one conducted by Benton and Lee^ showed 93% of fleas in a dark area moved towards light as well as jump wildly when a warm object is placed in their environment.

The best part? This breakthrough technology allows you to take control of flea problems without resorting to harsh chemicals. You can now provide your pets with protection from fleas, ticks, and more.

Among the various flea control solutions out there, there's one that stands out for its effectiveness and ease of use.

You'll soon be calling this device your secret weapon...

By harnessing the power of heat and light, this revolutionary device attracts and traps fleas, providing relief and round-the-clock flea monitoring for your pets. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals to get the job done. It's a safe* and hassle-free way to keep your pets protected, without compromising your peace of mind.

These two essential oils work to effectively eliminate any pests you may find in your home. All while avoiding the need for harsh chemicals to get the job done. Finally, there is a way to protect your home from bugs without putting your loved ones at risk of breathing in harsh chemicals or breaking the bank to get the job done.

"What if You Could Protect Your Pets

Without Harsh Chemicals

or Spending a Fortune?"

  • What if you could give your pets a comfortable life without exposing them to potentially harmful chemicals or spending a fortune on drops or collars?
  • What if this solution not only provided lasting relief for your pets but also required minimal effort on your part?
  • And what if you could battle a flea invasion in your home without having to rely on costly and time-consuming methods? Imagine the peace of mind and the money you could save. Wouldn't that change the way you approach flea control?

Introducing BugMDTM

A Plant-Powered and Affordable Solution to Your Pest Problems.

Introducing Termination Station™

A Revolutionary and Affordable Solution to Your  Flea Problem.

Designed by experts, Termination Station utilizes cutting-edge halogen technology that safely* yet effectively attracts and traps fleas.

Termination Station can start protecting your pets from fleas as soon as it's plugged in and placed in your home, luring in fleas and other insects . This hassle-free solution also frees up more time for you to enjoy unbothered moments with your pets.

When you claim your Termination Station today, you're gaining an unfair advantage in the battle against fleas and ticks − making sure those nasty parasites are quickly drawn away from your pets and into an inescapable trap.

It's not only the ultimate flea control "cheat code" for your pets but also helps prevent you from calling an exterminator to get rid of fleas in your carpet.

Most conventional flea control products rely on harsh chemicals that can potentially lead to adverse reactions in your pets. Unfortunately, these methods do little to eliminate the fleas in your carpet or furniture, not fully fixing the problem.

Unlike traditional flea control solutions, Termination Station uses advanced light and heat technology to create an irresistible lure for fleas, effectively breaking the invasion cycle without the use of harmful pesticides.

The Innovative Technology That's

Transforming Flea Control...

You see, it's incredibly challenging to develop a highly effective and affordable flea control device that harnesses the power of light and heat to attract and eliminate these parasites.

While many other flea control methods rely on chemical interventions, the expert team at BugMD has engineered a revolutionary device that combines the perfect wavelength of light with the optimal heat signature to lure fleas to their demise.

Termination Station uses a precision-engineered halogen bulb to emit an irresistible combination of light and warmth. This dynamic duo works synergistically to attract fleas from all corners of your home, luring them away from your pets and into an inescapable trap.

So you end up using the natural behavior of fleas against them. Termination Station creates an environment where these pests can’t help but be drawn to, providing you with a powerful, hands-off solution for continuous flea control.

With Termination Station working in the background, you can give your pets the flea protection they deserve, without the need for messy sprays or constant applications.

You'll love the effortless, plug-and-play design.

  • When you start using Termination Station, the change in your pet's comfort and your home's flea population will be so remarkable, it's sure to get noticed. No longer will you have to live with the guilt ofwatching your pets suffer from fleas and ticks. You can finally take control and give your pets the relief they need.

    Keep in mind, Termination Station’s deal is exclusive only to this page. This deal is not available on Amazon. Its unique design and advanced technology set it apart, offering a distinctive and effective approach to flea control.
    So don't miss out on your chance to save money with BugMD.

"Why Termination Station

is So Effective At Attracting and Trapping Pests..."

People keep asking us, how does Termination Station lure in pests?

The answer is simple. Termination Station utilizes a specially engineered halogen bulb that emits a combination of light and heat signature to attract pestslike fleas. By using their natural instincts against themselves, you can provide relief for your pets without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Your home should be a safe haven for your pets, but fleas can make that impossible. Our device works by exploiting the natural behaviors of fleas, ensuring that your pets remain protected against fleas. Whether you place the device, Termination Station is constantly working to trap fleas.

When you plug in Termination Station, fleas are drawn to the warm, inviting glow, mistaking it for a host. As they jump into the device, they become trapped on the PermaGlue pad...

It's like a beacon that fleas simply can't resist. It mimics the perfect warm-blooded host, luring these pests to their death.

According to a study conducted by Müller^, since fleas are attracted to light, fleas will orient themselves towards a lighted area as they wait for a host.

Once trapped, fleas are no longer able to reproduce, effectively disrupting the breeding cycle. This helps to prevent future flea problems.

You could say that their natural instincts to stay alive is what kills them. By attracting them with light and heat, this genius device eliminates the need for harsh chemicals. The precision-engineered halogen bulb and PermaGlue work together to create a flea-trapping powerhouse.

An article from Silverman and Rust found that heat triggers pre-emerged adult fleas to exit their cocoons^. Without this outside stimuli, cocooned fleas can remain dormant for up to 5 months.

Moreover, another article from the Annals of the Entomological Society of America^ found that cat fleas find hosts primarily through visual and thermal cues, where they were most attracted to targets with temperatures of 104°F.

This is the incredible potential of harnessing light and heat to combat flea invasions!

"Here's What Happens When You Harness The Power of Light and Heat..."

Plugging in the Termination Station eliminates the hassle that comes with traditional flea control methods. Instead of applying messy drops and hoping for results, you can watch as this device immediately begins attracting and trapping fleas. You'll be amazed at how quickly it starts working to provide relief for your pets.

The reason Termination Station is so effective is that it "tricks" fleas into believing they've found a host, luring them away from your pets and into an inescapable trap.

Termination Station also works on ticks, bed bugs, moths, spiders, and more.

Effective Flea Control, Without the Insane Costs

Many pet owners have experienced the frustration of trying various flea control products, such as collars and drops, only to find that they provide temporary relief at best. Termination Station puts you in control of your flea situation, offering a continuous solution that doesn't require constant exposure to harsh chemicals with potentially harmful side effects.

And don’t even get me started on the costs of professional pet care. In 2020, the United States spent over $31,400,000,000 on vet care & product sales^. That is just too much money on some fleas. The problem is a lot of people immediately jump to using harsh, risky chemicals to kill fleas fast, potentially putting their pets at risk.

Instead of constantly investing in short-term solutions, Termination Station allows you to tackle and monitor the problem effortlessly, saving you money and hassle in the long run. From the moment you plug in the device, you can start seeing results and give your pet the relief they deserve.

Eliminate Fleas, Ticks, and Other Biting

Insects Without the Guesswork and Stress

No More Struggling with Messy Applications

One of the most challenging aspects of using flea drops is struggling to get your pet to sit still while you apply them. With Termination Station, you simply plug it in and let it do the work, eliminating the need for any messy or frustrating applications.

One Device Targets Multiple Pests

Instead of buying different products for the insects you find in your home, Termination Station offers a solution that attracts and eliminates a wide range of pests, not just fleas, but ticks, bed bugs, moths, spiders, and more. Imagine the time and energy you'll save by having one device that can handle so many insects in your home.

Keep Harsh Chemicals Away

Have you ever wondered about the long-term effects of the chemicals found in many flea collars and drops? It's a valid concern for pet owners who want to protect their pets without compromising their health. Termination Station eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, providing a safe solution for everyone in your home when used as directed.

Save Money on Endless Flea Control Purchases

Instead of spending money on flea collars, drops, and other treatments month after month, invest in Termination Station. This innovative device offers a cost-effective way to monitor fleas in your home so you can get ahead of invasions before they take over your home and drain your wallet.

By harnessing the power of light and heat, Termination Station attracts and eliminates fleas, giving you peace of mind and a healthier environment for your pets.

Protect Your Pets, Eliminate Annoying Fleas, and Finally Relax at Home…

Reduce Your Pet's Exposure to Harsh Chemicals - Termination Station's genius light & heat technology eliminates the need for the chemicals found in many flea collars or drops. You can use this device throughout your home, keeping your pets protected without exposing them to harsh chemicals.

Monitor Flea Activity - Even if you aren’t currently facing a flea invasion, placing Termination Station in your home offers a hands-free way to monitor for fleas. Should fleas ever find their way onto your pet or in your home, Termination Station will be working in the background to lure fleas away from your pet, helping end invasions before they can begin.

Break the Flea Life Cycle - By continuously attracting and trapping fleas, Termination Station disrupts their life cycle, preventing eggs and larvae from developing into adult fleas. This proactive approach stops invasions before they can take hold.

Limited Inventory Available: Save Big on Your Order of Termination Statione

Inventory has been dramatically declining with Termination Stations recent increase in popularity. So take advantage of incredible savings from BugMD when you purchase multiple Termination Station devices for your home today, before it sells out.

  • Provide comprehensive protection for your entire home. With multi-pack options, you can ensure that every room where your pets spend time is protected against fleas. Say goodbye to the hassle of constantly moving a single device from room to room.
  • Be prepared for peak flea season. Whether you're in the middle of a flea invasion or want to get ahead of the problem before it starts, having multiple Termination Station devices on hand ensures that you're always ready to tackle the issue head-on.
  • Stock up and save by buying multiple devices at once. Each Termination Station comes with , and by purchasing multiple devices at once, you can take advantage of significant discounts, making it an even more cost-effective solution for your home.
  • Catch more than just fleas. Termination Station can attract and trap other household insects like mites, moths, mosquitoes, spiders, bed bugs, and more.
  • Enjoy a hassle-free, plug-and-play design that seamlessly integrates into your home, providing powerful flea control without the need for constant spraying.

This exclusive discount is only available through this special offer, so you won't find these amazing deals on Termination Station anywhere else.

Invest in multiple Termination Station devices and give your pets the lasting relief they deserve, while protecting your home from flea invasions and the stress they bring.

Termination Station is the ultimate flea control "cheat code" that can transform your home into a peaceful, flea-free oasis — almost instantly...

Even if you're not currently dealing with a major flea problem, having Termination Station devices in place can prevent invasions from taking hold, giving you peace of mind and keeping your furry friends comfortable and protected.

""Try BugMD, Experience A Safe* Alternative And LOVE The Relief Your Pet Feels... Or Simply Return It..."

And your purchase today comes with a satisfaction guarantee. That means for whatever reason within the next 30 days you can return your Termination Station device for a refund. I want to make your decision to try out Termination Station in your own hands to be as easy as possible.

Just peel off the safety film from the PermaGlue pad, place it into the Termination Station, place the device where you notice fleas, and then plug it in. Protect your pets with a solution that is prepared to tackle whatever pests are crawling on your pet. Place one by pet beds, in bedrooms, in the living room, wherever. Even if you don’t currently have fleas, have it on standby, ready for whenever bugs invade your home.

You're going to love the way you feel with bug worries being a thing of the past. If you're not satisfied, simply contact our Customer Support Team within 30 day of purchase. One of our dedicated agents will handle your return. Just pay a small processing fee and return shipping for returns/exchanges.


“Love the product”

Love the product. Better/easier to use than putting a clamp-on lamp over a pan of soapy water.

Darrell B. - US
“The fleas are virtually gone.”

These are life savers!! They work so well! I recommend them to everyone. Even 1 can tell if you have a problem. I have 4 and now the fleas are virtually gone.

Sharon L. - Seattle, US
“I like this product as it requires NO chemicals”

I like this product as it requires NO chemicals to be applied to my furr-babies. It's safe. My furr-babies are strictly indoor. Occasionally, we entertain friends and invite their pets to come along. It's only those events where my pets pick up fleas. That's when we put out several Termination Stations in the area where they play.

John G. - US
“I recommend this product to everyone”

I am so happy with the performance of my stations. I knew I had a flea problem but the station showed me how much of a problem I really had. I recommend this product to everyone.

Susan B. - Fresno, US
“Even caught other bugs as well”

These traps work great and even caught other bugs as well. Thank you!

Connie Y. - Boise, US

Keep Every Area In Your Home Protected From Nasty Fleas

Frequently Asked Questions


How does the Termination Station work?
How often should I change the PermaGlue sticky pad?
How big of an area does it cover?
What If I Am Not Happy With It? What Is Your Return Policy?
How Long Does It Take For Termination Station To Arrive?
No items found.

Works Cited


Flea and Tick Collar Poisoning in Dogs


Host discrimination by two desert fleas using an odour cue


Understanding attraction stimuli of the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, in non-chemical control methods


Extended Longevity of the Pre-emerged Adult Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae) and Factors Stimulating Emergence from the Pupal Cocoon


Cat Flea (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae): Factors Influencing Host-finding Behavior in the Laboratory


Pet Ownership Statistics in 2022

Works Cited