
Richard, 58: “This is the only thing that got rid of mice and protected my RV, Here’s how”

Friday, November 3rd 2023
*The person's story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by BugMD customers.

Gichard, 58, was at his wit’s end. Winter was finally over and he was ready to pull his RV out of storage for a 2 week vacation with his family.

It had been a while since their last trip and Richard was excited to spend quality time with his family out in nature. There was just one problem: his plans were about to be ruined.

Richard was getting his RV ready to take out of storage. He opened the RV door and went to turn on the lights. Then... POP! Total darkness. The power in his RV went completely out. When he called an electrician, they said mice had chewed through some electrical wires in the engine bay and behind the cabinets.

“Those mice,” Richard says, “became the bane of my existence.”

What started out as just a few chewed wires turned out to be an all out invasion…

The worst part wasn’t cleaning up all the nasty droppings, it was the repair bill! Richard found himself in a terribly expensive situation.

“It was like it wasn’t even my RV anymore. The mice lived there and I was their guest,” Richard says. “ I couldn’t even imagine my daughter Shannon, she’s eight, sleeping in here around all these mice droppings.”

To top it all off, Richard’s electrical problem still needed to be solved — and fast. So he told the electrician to go ahead with the repairs.

“I couldn’t believe how much these little rodents cost me!” The bill was over $3000. Even worse, Richard had no idea how to stop it from happening again. He couldn’t use traps because even though they might catch the mice, they would just rot in his RV in storage and attract other pests. The other electronic devices to keep them out had terrible reviews and just don’t seem to work.

With seemingly no solution in sight, Richard actually thought about just selling the RV and giving up on his dream of family vacations in nature.

Little did he know, the answer to his problem was right around the corner… literally.

When the electrician, Steve, came back to finish up the repairs, he said, “you would be surprised how common of a problem this is. I have done hundreds of these repairs”

Steve explained that this was actually one of the less expensive repairs he has had to do. He said someone’s RV had even caught fire from a wire the mice had chewed through and insurance refused to cover any of the damage.

“I was mortified,” Richard says. “I started thinking the worst, like what if this happens again next year? I can’t afford another one of these expensive repairs.”

Just then Steve, the electrician, pulled a weird looking pouch that smelled pleasantly like peppermint out of his bag and handed it to me. He said, “place these in the engine and all around and inside your RV”:

“Trust me.”

“These are the only things that keep rodents away for good.” said Steve. “Clients who I have done repairs for swear by these. I never had to do another repair for them again.

Richard had no idea how it worked, but he was convinced. He was dying to know what was in those little pouches, so she checked the package and saw the word VAMOOSE printed on it.

“I couldn’t believe it,” he said. “I ordered 6 more packs right then and there. I put them in the attic, basement, kitchen, closets, and one by every entrance to the house.”

The convenient little pouches proven to send rodents running...

Vamoose — developed by the family-friendly pest control brand, BugMD — is an effective, easy, and safe way to keep pesky vermin out of your home (when used as directed). Each pouch is infused with a combination of Mother Nature's potent rodenticides: cornmint, citronella, and linseed essential oils.

To humans and pets, BugMD’s Vamoose smells clean and fresh… but mice, rats and other vermin can’t stand the smell. The potent oil infusion irritates a rodent’s nose and throat so severely, they stay far away from the source. In fact, Vamoose was shown in studies to repel mice and rats for up to 30 days!

And unlike traps and poisons which require careful handling and messy clean-up, BugMD’s Vamoose is safe for you and your loved ones (when used as directed). Simply hang or place a pouch of Vamoose anywhere in need of pest control — and enjoy the peace, quiet, and cleanliness you deserve.

With over 37,458 pouches of Vamoose sold, the reviews are in...

Vamoose customers love spreading the word about this new rodent repellent. Here are just a few verified reviews:

"I have not seen or heard any of those critters since I distributed the packets around the house. It seems to have been a good purchase, considering the hundreds of $s it would have cost me to hire an exterminator!"
— Jeffery S.
"The scent is quite pleasant, I put out 8 packets throughout my entire house.And within 2 days no signs of any rodents.Great product,so I ordered some extra for future use."
— Kenneth K.
"I've used this for about a year and finally found a product that keeps the rats out of my shed and is safe for other animals."
— Julie G.
"Great smell. Used for mice"
— Nancy B.
"I had rodents in my garage, put Vamoose out two weeks ago and haven't had any since."
— William H.


Right now is the perfect time to protect your home from pesky vermin. BugMD is offering a special internet only promotion on Vamoose — but only while their limited inventory lasts. If you want an easy, mess-free, and effective way to repel vermin, Vamoose is the family-friendly alternative you need inside your home.

*IMPORTANT: Get BugMD’s Vamoose For an Effective Rodent Solution

Update: Use Vamoose in Garages, Attics, Closets, Bedrooms, Kitchen and More!


Limited Inventory Available