How-To: Avoid A Bed Bug Infestation Before It Begins (Set-It-And-Forget-It

By The Time You Feel One Bite, They Could Be Everywhere
Bed bugs can hitchhike into any home totally unseen.1 Within weeks, they can lay dozens – if
not hundreds
– of eggs inside mattresses, on furniture, even behind wallpaper. And once you feel the first bed bug
bite, you could be on the verge of full-blown infestation.
Itchy bed bug bites can disturb your sleep and stress you out. Plus, scratching the bites can irritate the
skin and make things even worse.
Homeowners facing a bed bug problem are often left with just two choices: use chemical-based pest sprays
or hire an expensive exterminator.
Problem is, these traditional “solutions” can come with problems of their own…
The Hidden Risks In Traditional Bed Bug “Solutions”

Store-bought bug sprays are the most common bed bug “fix,” but they can come with serious risks. Sprays
often contain harsh chemicals, and these can be dangerous for people and pets.2
Exterminators are known to cost an arm and a leg. Many of them use treatments like foggers or “bug bombs,”
which can be risky indoors.3 Plus, studies show that some bed bug populations can actually
resist the pesticides approved to treat them.4
Experts agree: Early detection is the #1 way to prevent full-blown bed bug infestations.5
The good news is: there’s now a reliable and affordable way to help defend your home from these nasty
An innovative new bed bug solution: BugMD’s Bed Bug Traps
This “Trap & Detect” Device Helps Prevent Full-Blown Bed Bug Infestations

BugMD Bed Bug Traps are a pest control breakthrough: choose your location,
fold the trap accordingly, pop it in place, and it goes to work right away. (If you see bed bugs in the
trap, that means you need to act fast before an infestation spirals out of control.)
BugMD arms you with this crucial “trap & detect” technique so you know exactly when to set up more traps
and start working to stop a nasty infestation.
Unlike conventional solutions, BugMD Bed Bug Traps are free of harsh chemicals. They set-up
in minutes and the design can work in multiple spaces. Many Americans are already using BugMD to nip bed
bug infestations in the bud.
But fair warning: this first batch of Bed Bug Traps is almost sold out. And due to delays at our shipping
port, it may not be in stock again for several months.
Click here to see if BugMD Bed Bug
Traps are still available.

How Do BugMD Bed Bug Traps Work?
The secret: a unique design that creates a first line of defense against bed bugs in multiple spaces using the same trap.
The foldable trap can be configured into many forms to work in different areas: floors, bed frames,
furniture legs… wherever you need to trap & detect bed bugs.
It’s also lined with ultra-sticky PermaGlue to keep trapped bed bugs stuck until they shrivel.
Unlike most store-bought “treatments,” BugMD Bed Bug Traps don’t contain any harsh chemicals — so you can
feel at peace using it anywhere inside your home throughout the year.

Simple To Use + Starts Working Immediately
Simply follow the steps on the package to fold-up a custom trap for bed
frame legs, mattresses,
box springs, floors, furniture — wherever you suspect bed bugs.
- For use around furniture and bed frame legs, slide the tab onto each leg.
- For use in beds, insert the trap between the mattress and box spring so the sticky portion hangs on the side of the bed.
- For use along the floor and under furniture, place the trap on the floor (make sure the open edge touches the wall).
Make sure to peel off the protective sheet covering the PermaGlue before installing the trap.
To dispose, simply press down to “close” the trap, then toss in the bin. Proceed to set-up more traps or,
for maximum results, treat the problem areas with BugMD Essential Pest Concentrate. BugMD is an effective,
affordable way to help clear-out bed bugs without putting family and pets at risk.

Customers Are Raving About BugMD Bed Bug Traps
Check out these astonishing reviews from verified BugMD reviewers:
“It's really versatile. It folds out in three different ways, depending on where you
want to put it. You can put it in between a mattress box, spring furniture, carpet, wherever you think
you might have some bedbugs.”
— Clint G.*

“It can be used around kids and pets. I love that fact. And easy cleanup and easy
disposal. It lasts for 90 days. So when it's 90 days or when it's completely full, just jettison it.”
— Kevin K.*

“They are very small, they're discreet, they look good. There's no harsh chemicals
being used on it and they actually prevent bedbugs, which is perfect for out here in New York, where
bedbugs are normally a problem… [There] is no chemical smell, which is great because I don't want my cat
to be interested in these.”
— Rich P.*

Why I Chose BugMD (And Why You Should, Too)
BugMD Bed Bug Traps
Store-Bought Bed Bug Sprays
Exterminator Treatments
First Line of Defense VS Full-Blown Infestation
Simple, Versatile Use
Contains Harsh Chemical Ingredients
Mess-Free Disposal + Convenient Refills
Can Be Used in Areas with Children & Pets
Affordable On Any Budget
We have a rental upstairs, so we used to keep a big bottle of bed bug spray at all
times. I’m not just scared of these bloodsuckers… they’re also embarrassing and bad for business, so I
like to be prepared.
One time after a renter moved out, I noticed tiny, black droppings on the side of the bed. I panicked. We
threw out the mattress and practically hosed the entire floor down with the bug solution. Time & hundreds
of dollars wasted! I wish we had found a better solution back then.
Recently, I saw BugMD Bed Bug Traps on Facebook and decided to give it a try. The traps are so versatile
— you can use them anywhere: between the mattress and bed, on the floor, in closets, even around your
drapes or curtains.
They’re also discreet, easy to use, and affordable. All I have to do is check these traps regularly to
see if there’s any bed bugs. It’s a great way to save time and money before an infestation can spiral
out of control.
The best part is they’re free of risky chemicals, so I can feel at peace about using them regularly.
Lately, we subscribed to BugMD’s monthly plan, giving us even more savings.
Bottom line: If you want a simple, cost-effective, home-friendly way
to trap and keep a watch on bed bugs… then you should give BugMD a try!
How Can You Try BugMD Bed Bug Traps?
BugMD is
only available online and can’t be found in stores.
Now that you know about the money-saving,
family benefits of BugMD Bed Bug Traps, here is how you can get some for your own home:
- Go here and order BugMD from the official website
- Enjoy peace of mind at home.
Currently BugMD has an internet only offer. If you want to
if it still active
inventory is in stock Click here
or the
button below
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Bed Bugs FAQs. [online] Available at:
2. Bernardes, M. F. F. , Pazin, M., & Dorta, L. C. P. D. J. (2015). Impact of Pesticides on Environmental and Human Health. In A. C. Andreazza, & G. Scola (Eds.), Toxicology Studies - Cells, Drugs and Environment. IntechOpen.
3. Pesticide Research Institute. 2022. Bed Bug Control. [online] Available at:
4. Gordon, J., Potter, M. & Haynes, K. Insecticide resistance in the bed bug comes with a cost. Sci Rep 5, 10807 (2015).
5. Vaidyanathan R, Feldlaufer MF. Bed bug detection: current technologies and future directions. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2013 Apr;88(4):619-25. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.12-0493. PMID: 23553226; PMCID: PMC3617843.