
Rob, 62: "This is the only thing that saved my tractor from rats and kept them out for good! And it’s safe* for crops and livestock."

Thursday, July 28 2022
*The person's story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by BugMD customers.

Rob, 62, was desperate. Planting season was just around the corner, and he was ready to get his crops in the ground.

He’d finally replaced one of his oldest tractors with a brand new one he’d been saving up for. There was just one problem: something scary and dangerous living inside of it.

Rob went to start up his main tractor, the heart and soul of his farm. He turned the key and... nothing. Just stuttering. When he called a mechanic, they said rats had chewed through the wiring harness and nested in the engine compartment.

"Those rats," Rob says, "destroyed my only source of income."

What started out as just a few rats quickly turned into an all-out invasion…

The worst part was the thought of finding rats in his other tractors causing Rob to find himself in a financial hole he might not come up from.

"It was like it wasn't even my tractor anymore. The rats owned it and I was just paying the bills," Rob says. “My wife Lisa was looking forward to finally renovating our kitchen. We had been saving up for 3 years. Now with a repair bill of over $1,000, even with insurance, Lisa was devastated. It was that bad.”

Rob's rat problem needed to be fixed — and fast. He had 6 other tractors to worry about. So he tried all the usual “remedies.”

"I tried everything,” Rob says. 

“Placing poisons around all my tractors was out of the question because it could kill my livestock.

Regular rat traps only took care of one mouse at a time and then I’d have to deal with dead mice stinking up my tractor.

I even called an exterminator and he said it would be over $1,200 for the whole farm!

With his livelihood at risk, Rob considered taking out a huge loan just to cover the repairs and losses for every day he’s not harvesting.

Little did he know, the answer to his problem was right around the corner… literally.

Rob was desperate for any advice that could help, so he hopped into his truck and drove down the road to his neighbor Jake’s house.   

Rob, once he arrived, explained to Jake that he was frightened the bank would show up and seize his farm.

Jake, with a look of alarm, quickly turned and walked back to his truck.

"I was terrified," Rob says. "I started thinking the worst, like what if this happens again next season? I can't afford another repair like this. I will lose the farm. But then I saw him grab something out of his truck and come back."

Just then Jake pulled a small pouch that smelled like fresh mint out of his bag and handed it to me. He said, "Just toss a few these in your tractors and all your other equipment":

"Trust me."

"Well it worked!” said Rob. “That night I left the tractor in the barn as usual, prepared to find foot prints of rats along the seats and floor or even see one run across the tops of the wheels. But then something life changing happened: completely footprint free. I FINALLY feel like I reclaimed my farm.

Rob had no idea how it worked, but he was convinced. He was dying to know what was in those pouches, so he checked the package and saw the word VAMOOSE printed on it.

"I couldn't believe it," he said. "I ordered 6 more packs right then and there.

“These little pouches just saved my whole farm and $1000s more in damages.”

I put them in my tractor and then every piece of equipment I own. It was a small price to pay to keep my farm going."

The convenient little pouches which create a rodent repelling forcefield…

Vamoose — developed by the small family owned American pest control company, BugMD — is an effective, easy, and safe* way to keep pesky vermin out of your home (when used as directed).

Each pouch is infused with a combination of Mother Nature's potent rodenticides: cornmint, citronella, and linseed essential oils. This combination creates a powerful forcefield of freshness!

To humans and pets, BugMD’s Vamoose smells clean and fresh… but mice, rats and other vermin can’t stand the smell. The potent oil infusion irritates a rodent’s nose and throat so severely, they stay far away from the source.

A study by the National Library of Medicine proved that citronella oil is a highly effective, potent rodent repellent.

In fact, Vamoose specifically was tested in an advanced lab, and shown to repel mice and rats for up to 30 days!

And unlike traps and poisons which require careful handling and messy clean-up, BugMD’s Vamoose is safe for you and your loved ones (when used as directed).

Super Simple to Use - Yet Shockingly Effective

Simply hang or place a pouch of Vamoose anywhere you don’t want rodents — and enjoy the peace, quiet, and cleanliness you deserve.

With over 253,458 pouches of Vamoose sold, the reviews are in…

Vamoose has been so popular it has sold out 3 times now! Customers love spreading their joy after they see how effective this revolutionary rodent repellent really is. Here are just a few verified reviews:

“Put 2 pouches in my John Deere Tractor engine, seems the mice think its a good place to nest for the winter, after cleaning out the engine of their nest have seen no site of them, thanks to Vamoose.”

— Albert P.

“My farm house was built in 1897 three story with maney places for mice and rats to “Put hide, we have tried for years to get rid of them untill I started using VAMOOSE they are all gone, (VAMOOSE WORKS).”

— Joe T.

“I have not had any rodents at all in my house or barns since I have been using them .thank you .”

— Marilyn B.

“I've been using Vamoose about 3 months & I'm extremely pleased with your product. I haven't seen any signs of mice in my house in months. I live in the country with fields all around my house. Vamoose is awesome! I would highly recommend to anyone with mouse issues.”

— Deanna B.

Vamoose Absolutely Transformed Our Lives

Since Vamoose has virtually no-risk to try, because of their 30-day satisfaction guarantee on every pouch we had to test it ourselves.



    *The person's story described below is fictitious and was instead founded on experiences shared by BugMD customers.


Did you know that according to the Center For Disease Control (CDC) rats and mice carry over 60 highly dangerous communicable diseases? That’s exactly why I was so excited to test Vamoose in my home. When my package arrived I figured I had the perfect weapon to battle these terrible rodents. I tore open the package and was surprised by the extremely light and pleasant peppermint smell. I immediately started placing the convenient little pouches all around my house.

Sure, I had my doubts, thinking “Can these tiny pouches really keep rodents away better than traps?”


After a week, I was shocked at how effective Vamoose had been. Now I wouldn’t say I had an infestation, but I would see the occasional mouse under my sink and hear scurrying in my ceiling. In the last week, NOTHING! After placing the pouches around the house I didn’t see or hear a single mouse. As a bonus there was even a delightfully faint but pleasant smell of peppermint around the areas I set the pouches. And the best part was I no longer have to check traps to see if there was a nasty decomposing dead mouse that I then had to dispose of. I can’t stress enough how nice it is not having to crawl up into my attic once a week to see if there is a rotting mouse carcass waiting for me!


After 2 weeks I was completely blown away. Now I know how Vamoose has so many great reviews and has completely sold out of inventory several times. There has still not been a single mouse sighting! I’ve been able to throw away all my nasty old traps and I’m so happy I don’t have to worry about any poisons sitting around my house. I even had some friends over who asked where I got the candle I was burning, and had to explain to them the smell was actually coming from my Vamoose pouches. They were SHOCKED!

The true beauty of Vamoose I’d have to say though is its simplicity. No need to constantly check and re-set traps, no expensive and potentially hazardous poisons to have to buy, just set it and forget it pouches you change out every 30 days.

And now, for a limited time, Vamoose is actually offering a specially discounted price! Don’t wait to start your journey to a rodent free home - Hurry and order your Vamoose rodent repellent pouches now!

My Final Thoughts:

If you are tired of dealing with rodent or nasty mouse traps… switching to Vamoose will actually save you time and money in the long run.

Traditional traps and poisons will run you around $100 or more, not to mention they are gross and potentially dangerous. And they require time-constant maintenance and re-setting, there’s really no comparison.

The Vamoose pouches are more affordable, smell great, and much less maintenance than traditional solutions...

That’s why Vamoose has sold out over 7+ times and is struggling to stay in stock…

I used Vamoose for more than a month and can confirm that it effectively combats mice, rats, and other random vermin that used to plague my home.

Most importantly, it means you no longer have to put the health of your loved ones at risk with potentially dangerous poisons and nasty disease spreading rodents lurking around.


During the winter and early springs rodents are at their peak activity, which is why Vamoose has been selling out of inventory so quickly! Right now is the perfect time to protect your home from pesky vermin.

BugMD is offering a special internet only promotion on Vamoose — but only while their limited inventory lasts.

The best part is, each bag of Vamoose comes backed by their iron-clad 30-day satisfaction guarantee! That means you basically get to try this product risk free. If you want an easy, mess-free, and effective way to repel vermin, Vamoose is the American made, family-friendly alternative you need inside your home. Just make sure you order a couple bags because you never know when inventory will run out!

The time to order Vamoose is now — before they sell out again.

*UPDATE: Friday, September 13, 2024* Ever since BugMD was first featured online, an incredible amount of buzz has been generated and over 73,607 bottles have been sold. Due to its popularity and positive reviews, BugMD is so confident in their product that they are now offering an exclusive, internet-only discount while supplies last. To see if bottles are still available, click the button below.

*Use Vamoose in Garages, Attics, Closets, Bedrooms, Kitchen and More!
Reminder: BugMD uses naturally-derived active ingredients so it’s safe for children & pets when used as directed.

Limited Inventory Available


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